Buy Myself A Small Plane | Stereophonics |

Buy Myself A Small Plane

Testo Buy Myself A Small Plane

I‘m gonna buy myself a small plane,
I‘m gonna crash it on their south lawn,
I‘m gonna sleep down by his quarters,
I‘d like to have sex with his daughters,

I‘m gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their south lawn,
Just big enough for me

I‘m just another freight truck driver,
He‘s just another white house skiver,
Had a gun, radio air-craft, big bell, your duty to broadcast

I‘m gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their south lawn,
Just big enough for me
I‘m gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their war zone,
Just big enough for me

I‘m gonna have to shoot my way out,
To give the acting boys some more plot.
I was Butch Cassidy‘s tutor, although Sun Dance was cuter.

I‘m gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their south lawn,
Just big enough for me
Gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their south lawn,
Gonna buy myself a small plane,
Gonna crash it on their war zone,
Gonna buy myself a small plane,
Can I crash it on your front lawn?
Just big enough for me
for me, for me,
for me, for me,
for me, for me

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